D. have function return the whole array
the given function only return first occurrence of target. In order to get all occurrences of target we have to change condition in while loop to check whole array even if first occurrence of target found and plus add another parameter of type array that will store different indexes of occurrence of target and return that array
step2: enter the ten number
s3: if the number is divided by 2 then print even number
s4: otherwise print odd number
name = input('Please enter your name : ')
age = int(input('Your age : '))
print('Your name is',name,'and you have',age,'years old')
First two statements: yes. Last two: not so much.
But many of the better ones do have advanced degrees, but some don't.
The laboratory statement is silly; they sit behind a set of screens figuring out stuff and writing code.
Civil engineers is the correct business