Verna system divides the Indian Society into Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishyas, and Shudras which was originated during Vedic System, however, the three societies Brahman Kshatriya and Vaishyas gain inheritance with other Indo-European Societies whereas Shudras was added by Brahmans from northern India and division of society according to Verna system was highly prevalent during colonialism which played key role in division of population
Class 3B
The Class 3B laser products are well thought-out to be more harmful and relatively dangerous under straight and spectacular reflective viewing conditions. A Class 3B laser product, however, is on the whole not a fire hazard, diffuse reflection hazard or a laser generated air contaminant (LGAC) production hazard but could be hazardous when under mirror light reflection.
Caribbean Food Corporation
Caribbean Environment Health Institute
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM or CC) refers to the association of fifteen countries and territories in the Caribbean with the key objectives of fostering economic integration and cooperation between its leaders, of ensuring equal distribution of the rewards of integration as well as of coordinating international affairs.
The two organisation established are :
1. Caribbean Food Corporation
The main objective of this organisation is to ensure that there is enough food available for the population and also the quality of food is hygienic.
2. Caribbean Environment Health Institute
As the name suggests, this organisation ensure the development of regions without major environmental degradation.
Online sources
Online sources -
It refers to the data or information , which is available online on internet , is known as online sources .
The online sources are any website , online newspaper , magazine , web page , blogs etc.
It is one of the widest source of any information , as almost all the information is available in internet . Hence , people search and surf for any type of information on internet to get a complete and brief information about the topic .
Hence , from the question , the example given in the question is about online sources .
Cross-sectional research.
Here's a definition: Cross sectional research is a study in which subjects of different ages are compared at the same time.