<span>unpleasant; compare themselves against high standards</span>
gideon was accused of a crime and brought to trial
gideon was denied counsel at the state court
gideon appealed the state decision to the supreme court
the supreme court heard gideon's case and decided in his favor
states became required to provide counsel to all defendants
The Nuremberg code, is the code introduced in august 1947, after Nuremberg trials, it attempted to give clear rules about what was legal and what was not when conducting human experiments.
These rules include that proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death. the Nuremberg cod is the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research , it served as a blueprint for today principals that ensure the rights of subjects in medical research
The Sedition Act effectively made it a crime for any person to criticize the President, the Congress or the Government of the United States. The Alien Act empowered President Adams to arrest, detain, and deport any non-citizen he found to be a danger to the security of the nation.
responsibility, and stuff