Acting as a judge in the Salem trials, Deputy Governor Danforth is determined to preside over a just proceedings. He is representing not only himself but his office within Massachusetts. As both a politician and a public servant, Danforth is keenly aware of his own reputation and his responsibility to the colony’s people.
The “sir” to whom he is responding is Reverend Hale, who has just stated: “You must pardon them,” referring to Proctor and others who continue to claim their innocence. By the time Danforth he makes this response, a dozen people have already been hanged for witchcraft. The proceedings have gained publicity not only in New England but also throughout the rest of the colonies. To change course at this point would be a serious error, Danforth believes; it would cast doubt on all of the court’s previous decisions, which had sent so many people to their deaths. Although he sees that innocent people will be killed and surmises that some of those already killed...
Hy... gud mrng... I'm fine .... wbu??
Emeline Larcom was the sister of Lucy Larcom (a well known New England poet, essayist, and editor). One of ten children, she grew up in the Massachusetts coastal town of Beverly -- located just north of Boston. Her father was a sea captain who was often away from home. With his untimely death in 1832, his wife, Lois Larcom, was forced to seek out employment to maintain her large family; she found it in the mill town of Lowell. She relocated to the community with her younger children in 1835, and took charge of a boardinghouse, working for the Lawrence Manufacturing Company. Soon, four of her daughters also took up employment with the firm � working inside the mills. Emiline was one of them. Sometime between 1837 and 1840, Lois Larcom returned to Beverly. Several of her daughters, including Emiline, remained in the mill. Emiline worked for the Lawrence Company until her marriage in 1843.
The first one is “Someone” and the second answer is “anyone”
It was named after the ship, <em>Mayflower,</em> which is the ship the English colonist used to arrive to America.