an explanatory essay tries to explain a concept, or problem without trying to discredit or mention another writing piece, or article. an argumentative essay takes an article or piece of writing and has detailed facts, or reasons as to why that article is wrong.
The correct answer is A, Stock prices would decline and investors would lose money.
Sticking with the Electoral College system, but not yet plunging into the ... how many stories have you read that said Ryan's controversial plan to change . This causes significant overrepresentation of small states in the “College. where the presidential election would be thrown from the Electoral College .
Also around 1500 bc, a group of people who called themselves Aryans invaded the Indian subcontinent, and came to dominate most of the original Dravidian people. The Aryans spoke a language related to the western European languages, and came from the Russian steppes.
A) While parts 1,2 and 3 are accurate, part 4 needs revision.
The Jews never were forced to migrate from Europe. In fact, during the 18th century, there was a revival movement in Eastern Europe known as Hasidic Judaism. Previous to World War II the Jewish population in Europe was close to 9 million.
I hope this answer helps you.