To write 3000 as a fraction you have to write 3000 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
3000 = 3000/1 = 30000/10
And finally we have:
3000 as a fraction equals 30000/10
The angle here is an acute angle at ground level. Then the side adjacent to this angle is 126 feet. The opp. side is the tower, 111 feet tall.
tan theta = opp / adj = 111 / 126. Using the inverse tangent function, we find that the measure of the angle is 0.722 radian or 41 degrees (to the nearest degree).
- The function is injective but nor surjective
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>We see that:</u>
<u>For any x₁ and x₂ ∈ N, </u>
- f(x) = x₁³ = x₂³ ⇒ x₁ = x₂, both are natural numbers
It it confirmed one-to-one, hence it is injective
<u>Check the surjectivity:</u>
f(x) = y ∈ N
<u>Let y = 2, then:</u>
Since x is not natural, the function is not surjective