Over utilized plants and animals are those plants and animals which are almost going out of existence or are already extincts as a result of over use by humans. Examples of over utilized animals include: West African Black Rhinoceros, Passenger pigeon, Sea mink, Tecopa pupfish, Pyrenean ibex and Tasmanian tiger.
Protein building begins with the DNA strand in the Ribosome. The DNA strand is essential to dictating the type of protein that is to be produced, based on the sequence of nucleic acids.
Yes, for a couple of reasons.
1. Carbon connects easily with other carbons.
2. Carbon forms chemical that can change and connect with other carbons even in biology or especially in Biology. If you take a brown seen and plant it where it can get water and soil nutrients, to will come up as a green plant. Think about the chemistry that goes into that. Not only that, but there are mechanisms that tell the upper part of the plant that the roots can't supply any more growth. Isn't that something? All made from Carbon.
3. The human body is a mass of Carbon based chemicals and all cells there can have different functions. Amazing isn't it? I'm a fan of the diversity of our planet and its growth.
They have the same concentration.
Isotonic, by definition, means that the two solutions are of equal concentration
The complex molecules are broken down by the digestive system. If the molecules were not to be broken down they would block the system