you need an image so i can answer this question
1. Joe(S) and I(S) love(V) archery and target shooting.
2. He(S) hopes(V) to overcome his fear of public speaking before the graduation ceremony.
3. Joe (S) and Lisa(S) are(V) outstanding parents.
Verbs pretty much always come after the subjects, which are usually the introduction to the sentence (at the beginning) :)
Protagonist means main character
The protagonist is the main character of the story. Villains can be protagonists, just as heroes can be antagonists. The protagonist is not always the hero. That is why some writers prefer the "protagonist" over the word "hero". Villains could be the main characters of certain stories and heroes the antagonists. For example, "Macbeth" by Shakespeare. Macbeth was not the hero in that story. However, he was the main character.