A. The specific missions of the two airborne divisions were to block approaches into the vicinity of the amphibious landing at Utah Beach, to capture causeway exits off the beaches, and to establish crossings over the Douve River at Carentan to assist the U.S. V Corps in merging the two U.S. beachheads.
B. The biggest anxiety for the airborne commanders was in linking up with the widely scattered forces west of the Merderet. Many continued to roam and fight behind enemy lines for up to 5 days.
C. They began by fortifying the Atlantic Wall in Normandy with more machine gun bunkers, millions of beachfront landmines, and by flooding inland marshes to trap Allied paratroopers. Their strategic preparations would ultimately help the Nazis inflict terrible Allied casualties on D-Day
The first two and last two
During many decades of the 19th century Industrial Revolution, workers conditions were terrible and often inhuman. They were exploited by factory owners. They worked too long, often for 15-20 hours per day; received miserable salaries; worked and lived in unsanitary conditions; they and their families were malnourished and in poor health. This situation affected women, as well as men and children. In the case of women, they had an additional problem which was the fact that they did not have enought time to take cafe of their children, as they had to spend so many hours outside home working in factories.
The four enemies that the ancient Romans successfully battled are: Samnites, Celtics, Etruscans, and Carthaginians.
Washington D.C., Became the Capital. Where are the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument? Just where they should be--in the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, Congress declared the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, the permanent capital of the United States.