A big group of people who helped where jewish scientists who escaped Germany from 1933 to 1936. These people went on to work of the U.S governement in the Manhattan Project and created the first atomic bomb. Another group of people where some of the segregated units during the war such as the red tails. A only african American fighter battalion which assisted in bomber escorted and scouting missions. The 2nd group was a only Japanese unit. The 442nd. This unit was the most decorated and still is the most decorated unit to have ever served in the U.S Military. with 21 medal of honors awarded.
So Django could shoot the slave owners
1. When his plans were divulged to the British Major Henry Gladwin
2. When British expeditors entered Pontiac's camp on July 31.
3. In 1764 when the British Colonels succeeded at a peace agreement with the Native Indians
4. When Pontiac was unable to get support from France and ended up signing a treaty with Britain in 1766.
Pontiac began his mission to reclaim, the lands captured by the British after the Seven Years War between Britain and France. He was not happy with the style of rulership by the British people for he felt that they were too hard on them. That was why he set out on a mission to convince the Native Indians to join him in his quest to reclaim their forts from the British people.
He was however unable to achieve his mission for several reasons which began with the divulging of his plans to the British Camp. The British people were able to gain entrance into his camp and weakened their forces. The also made peace agreements with the Native Americans. All of these weakened Pontiac's goals and then he finally yielded when he signed a treaty with Britain in 1766.
B The encomienda system subjected native peoples to forced labor.
Spanish colonies followed a semi-feudal system in which the King granted the Encomienda. It provided colonist with land and forced labor. Forced labor was used for everything from agriculture to mining. Slavery existed, but it was concentrated in the Caribbean Island and in the coastal areas which had a smaller native population.
The mists allows a rain forest-like ecosystem adjacent to the falls and on the opposite cliff that faces them like a dried-up mirror image, thick with mahogany, fig, palm, and other species of vegetation.