Write a scene or a very short story that includes these three lines of dialogue: "What do you have in your hand?" and "That is m
ine!" and "No, I don't understand...at all." The set up for these lines is up to you. Remember that part of creative writing is characters talking to each other, or talking to themselves. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT KIND OF STORY IT IS IT JUST NEEDS TO BE 5 SENTENCES!
A magician walked up to me. "What do you have in your hand?", I asked him. "A deck of cards. Want to see a trick?" I cautiously agreed. He began shuffling and told me to pull a card. I pulled a heart of 3. He shuffled again and put up my card! "Is this the card you pulled?" "It is! That is mine!" I was confused, yet amazed. "Do you get it?", he asked, "no, I don't understand...at all."
Its a little more than 5 sentences. Hope thats okay!