169.99 / 250 = 0.68 or 68%
100 - 68 = 32% discount
Not sure what asking with total price, because tax varies by state.
Step-by-step explanation:
Area of Triangle x 2 = 3 * 3
The reason I did not divide it by 2 is because of how the other triangle is bound to have the same area. Just leave it as it is because later you're going to reach the same answer.
3 * 3 = 9
Rectangle Area = 6 * 3 = 18
18 + 9 = 27
You have to add the lengths of all the sides together.
It depends on how many days you are going to be on your camping trip if you are going to be on the for 2 days you will need the 2 bottles but if you are going on the trip for 8 days you will need the 8 cans. so 8 will work