well fist you have to read slowly answer each part of the question one at a time
Stage directions are very significant in plays and scripts. They add context to the play and can also help to set the scene. Stage directions can add connotations to the play that may not have been as clear before. For example, in An Inspector Calls, when the ‘lighting turns pink’ this infers that the birlings could be wearing ‘rose tinted glasses’. This further implies that when they are wearing these glasses, they do not see the real world, but when they take them off, they realise that they are not perfect and are not powerful enough to not care about anything serious that happens.
corporeal: bodily, fleshly
Inferred definition: relating to the human body
corpulent: obese, overweight
Inferred definition: fat
corps: unit, division, troop
Inferred definition: a military troop/unit
D. Since the t in the is not capitalized, the sentence before it should end with a comma inside the punctuation marks