The answer is whales. In the Antartic and Arctic regions, krills and whales are very abundant in numbers. Whales are number one consumer of krills in these regions. They can feed on a large swarm of krills when they feed. They also have less competition on these icy waters. They gain energy every time from eating them.
The symbiosis between a Pistol shrimps and gobies is called Mutual symbiosis. <u>In this process both animals benefit. </u>The shrimp creates and maintains a burrow for both the animals to live in, where as the fish offers protection from predators. When outside of their burrow the fish keeps a keen eye to spot any predator around and sends a warning to the goby through flicking of its tail in cases of a predator approaching.
Radiometric dating methods
Absolute dating is the process of determining an age on a chronological or specified time scale in which events occurred in archaeology and geology. Absolute dating can be determined by using properties of the atoms that make up materials.
The most common method of absolute dating uses by geologists is radiometric dating methods which is based on the natural radioactive decay of certain elements such as potassium and carbon found in the rocks. By comparing the ratio of parent isotope with a known half-life to daughter product in the rock, the age of the rock can be determined.
The carbon-14 isotope is used in radiocarbon dating, but is only useful for measuring recently formed rocks in the geologic past. The decay of Potassium-40 isotope known as potassium-argon (K-Ar) method allows dating of materials that up to 1,000 billion years old.
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