Doubaï est célèbre pour son architecture, avec ses îles en forme de palmier , ses gratte ciels immenses, ses plages chaudes, une vie nocture trépidante et ses magasins de luxe.
C. Elle a le mal du pays.
Construite par un français ( Bartholdi .
Sarah is preparing dinner
Le train qui est de vieux regards(apparences) ralentit le train l'est des regards(apparences) gris très vite! Le nouveau train est le meilleur train que le vieux train.
You will choose one of the following two subjects. Your text will have a length
minimum of two pages.
Subject of reflection
Do you think that we learn better alone, without a teacher to supervise and without his classmates?
You will answer this question by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two
systems. You will present several arguments, taking care to organize your thinking
logical way. You will illustrate each argument with specific and concrete examples.