The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The Convention covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector.
I feel like this may be harsh but the poem doesnt have many rhetoric devices to capture a reader. Instead of smart, beautiful, kind, caring, I would suggest using imagery of Estrella that makes her that way. What makes her this way? Was she a animal lover, helped anyone in need, cook food for you? I would shorten the amount of adjectived to 3 becasue of the rule of three. I liked the repetition of "you" at the end of the poem. All in all, this is cute poem thou :)
There are three different types of irony. Dramatic irony is when the reader or audience understands something that the characters do not. Situational irony is the difference between what happens and what was expected to happen. Verbal irony is when words express something contrary to the truth or when someone says the opposite of what they feel.
The passage, "May the Gods rain down all kinds of fortune on your lives, misfortune never harbor in your homeland," is from <em>The Odyssey</em>. Odysseus says this prayer after King Alcinous told the nobles to be generous with their gifts. It is ironic because Odysseus is the reasoning for their suffering. It is an example of situational irony because Odysseus is causing their misfortune and saying a prayer that there not be misfortune in their land.
the things people will do