The experimental procedure to test whether plants that are exposed to music grow faster than those that are not should follow the following steps. First, the plants must all be placed in a place where all must be exposed in the same type of environment in terms of sunlight, temperature, water and soil. Second, one of the plant must be exposed to two to three hours of classical music per day. Then you should expose one plant to five to six hours of music per day too. The remaining two plants will be treated as your control plants wherein these will be not exposed to music at all. Before you begin the experiment, you should take pictures of each plant. Next, you should take pictures after two, four and eight weeks. After the steps, observe any visible and palpable differences between the plants which were exposed to music and those that have note. Lastly, also observe the differences between the plants which were exposed to less and those exposed to more music.
Complete question:
¿Cual de los siguientes solutos que pueden estar presentes en el liquido extracelular es transportado de acuerdo al modelo de mecanismo propuesto en la ilustracion?
A) Etanol.
B) Calcio.
C) Glucosa.
D) Estrógeno.
E) Oxígeno.
<em>Nota: La ilustración se encuentra como un archivo adjunto.</em>
Ión Calcio y Estrógeno son transportados por proteinas canal a traves de la membrana.
Durante el paso de sustancias al interior o exterior de la celula ocurren dos tipos de transportes. Transporte activo y pasivo. El primero requiere de energia ya que se produce en contra de un gradiente electroquímico. El segundo, por otra parte, no requiere de energía ya que sucede a favor del gradiente electroquimico.
- El transporte activo es mediado por proteinas transportadoras que actúan como bombas transportadoras.
- El transporte pasivo puede ocurrir por
- difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica (sin ningunaproteina que medie su paso),
- difusión facilitada a traves de proteinas canales (estas proteinas tienen forma de poro hidrofílico y permiten el paso de sustancias de un lado al otro de la membrana celular sin sufrir modificaciones. Permiten el pasaje de iones actuando como canales ionicos y de hormonas o neurotransmisores),
- o difusión facilitada a través de proteinas transportadoras o carriers (estas proteinas son altamente selectivas y sufren un cambio temporal en su conformación al hacer pasar una sustancia de un lado al otro de la membrana plasmatica).
<em>La ilustración adjuntada muestra un ejemplo de </em><em>proteina de canal</em><em> facilitando el transporte de distintas sustancias.</em>
A) Etanol. Transporte pasivo. Difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica.
B) Ion Calcio, Ca²⁺. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina canal.
C) Glucosa. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina transportadora o carrier.
D) Estrógeno. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina canal.
E) Oxígeno. Transporte pasivo. Difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica.
Intelligence is the answer.
Humans are superior to every animal when it comes to intelligence, but there are many animals that are far more superior when it comes to speed and strength (a tiger for example) and there are animals that are far superior in sensory sensitivity as well (like a dogs sense of smell).
So your answer is intelligence.
Fishing until reaching an established quota that allows the fish population to rebound each season is a method of sustainable fishing
<h3>What is sustainability ?</h3>
The main objective of sustainability is for people to live in peace and harmony on Earth for an extended period of time. Specific definitions of sustainability are difficult to agree on and hence vary in the literature and across time
- Sustainability is often represented diagrammatically. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability – economic viability, environmental protection and social equity.
- Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment. Growth - UNTHSC's enrollment continues to expand, thus we demand additional resources such as energy, water, and space.
Learn more about Sustainability here:
I’m sorry no blue Cheetos or pink bubblegum is stored in a plant cell