"Andrew says this because he had been able to keep his promise given to Joe Morgan; he had been able to save Mrs. Morgan as well as his newly born baby after it had been born lifeless. It means Andrew felt contented and jubilant at his own efforts and the achievement."
Example of my own personal ranking:
Idly: 4
Postpone: 3
Stagnation: 1
Complacency: 2
Yearning: 5
Languished: 6
The question is asking for your own opinion and experience. If you are familiar with the words, meaning if you have heard it before, know the word or its meaning, or used the word to add a low number next to it. For example, out of those given words I use the word "stagnation" more often so I would rank that as a 1. If you have never heard the word and or are unfamiliar with it, then you will give it a high number. For instance, I never use the word "languished" so I would mark that down as a 6. Basically there is no right or wrong answer. It is all based upon the individual - you.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say a lottery
He created a trail that eventually led to New Mexico's sucsessful trade routes.