Wartime necessity, women joined the workforce
Many countries at the time discouraged women from working because it was seen as a man's role. Once the war started however, many countries allowed women to join the workforce as riveters, etc. to build things like planes, ships, tanks, and ammunition. After the war, women realized they could work and support themselves like men did, and many stayed in the workforce.
Loook it up it should be on google
Generally we speak of " dark ages " . However, Historians prefer the terms "late antiquity " or "high middle ages" ( it cover the periode from 476 A.D to circa 1000 AD
english ver: She encouraged active religious lives for women. She created a new way to properly educate priests. She developed a plan to divide the church into dioceses. She helped organize the church hierarchy.
korean ver:
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present day Utah, Nevada, and most of Arizona