Manchester's population between 1801 and 1851 increased from 89,000 people to 400,000 people, which is a bit more than 4 and half times increase in population in this short time-frame.
The population of this once small town of only 10,000 people, rapidly increased after the industrialization, and people moving in large masses form the rural to the urban ares.
With this quick and big increase in population, Manchester became the third biggest city in Britain, with only London and Glasgow being bigger in size and population.
I got this from and these are the most important details from it:
'Open Door policy, statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900 for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.The principle that all countries should have equal access to any of the ports open to trade in China. But after Japan’s defeat in World War II (1945) and the communist victory in China’s civil war (1949), which ended all special privileges to foreigners, made the Open Door policy meaningless.
I hope this was helpful.
The correct answer is A) Pan-Africanism failed to achieve its most important objectives.
The conclusion that is supported by the fact that Africa was divided into many small, independent states following the end of European colonial control of the continent is "Pan-Africanism failed to achieve its most important objectives.
During the Berlin Conference of February 26, 1885, leaders of superpower nations in Europe met to split African countries, creating new borders. Only two countries were left untouched: Ethiopia and Liberia. The British colonized South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda. The French kept Senegal, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Gabon, and Chad. Germany kept Namibia, Togo, and Cameroon. Portugal kept Mozambique and Angola. And Spain kept Morocco.
D. King James II was forced from power.
The Glorious Revolution took place in 1688-1689 in England and removed the Catholic King James II and replaced him with his daughter Mary that was Protestant.
This impacted American Colonies because the Revolution changed the way England governed, colonists were temporarily freed of strict anti-puritan laws that King James imposed to them.
The Soviet Union, like any complex nation, is intertwined upon itself.
When elements of the Soviet Union began to fall, notably its economic system, it could no longer supports its citizenry. While this was not a problem in the 20s and 30s, the people of the Soviet Union knew how people were living outside of the Soviet Union and the allure of communism was no longer enough to keep their bellies full at night.
So, as elements failed like the currency it triggered reactions in every other sector of the Soviet system.