Hitler was a dictator that was responsible for a mass genocide of Jews, homosexuals, mentally ill people, etc, but mostly centered his hatred around Jews. This came to be called the Holocaust. This event also triggered the beginning of WWII. <span />
1st Black Code, Civil Rights Act of 1866
The 1st Black Code tried to keep former enslaved people in an inferior position in the South. Congress tried to protect the rights of the recently freed enslaved people by passing the Civil Rights Act in 1866.
struck down on the basis of the supremacy clause
The constitutionality of the Florida law in this case will be struck down in court on the basis of supremacy clause. The Supremacy clause is a clause found in Article VI of the United States Constitution that made it clear that the constitution, treaties, and laws of the federal government are considered to be the supreme law and judges in every state of the federation are bound to it even though the laws of the state are contrary to the federal law.
The mandatory expansion of state Medicaid programs
In 2012, the U.S Supreme Court decided to keep Obama's health reform law which established, as a requirement, that the majority of Americans buy their own health insurance starting in 2014, and declared that such reformation was not unconstitutional. Therefore, limiting a huge expansion of Medicaid, the health care program that provides for those in need, which back then was growing rapidly and being used by many Americans.
They come late - without any notification, usually not nice. they delay, or corruption.