With adding and subtracting fractions, you must find a common denominator. In multiplication, you just multiply numerator by numerator; denominator by denominator. In division, you multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of the 2nd. In multiplication and division, finding a common denominator is not needed.
This is incorrect. X can be negative, making the expression on the left less than 0. If x were -10, then:
3 x -10 + 1 > 0
-30 + 1 > 0
-29 > 0
Is NOT true.
Imagine a machine that you put number into. However, the machine has a function that creates a new number. Remember that the number that comes out depends on the number that is put in. With this information, i'm pretty sure its the third bubble. im sorry that my information might not be accurate.
Step-by-step explanation:
it was 0.24161073 not simplified but since the 1 after the 4 is not greater than five it stays the same and it beccome 0.24