The principles of specificity, progression, overload, adaptation, and reversibility are why practicing frequently and consistently are so important if you want to improve your performance.
Answer: The purpose of flashback is to either move the story forward or reveal information about the character. You can use flashbacks for any number of reasons but its primary purpose is to bridge time, place and action to reveal a past emotional event or physical conflict that affects the character.
Hope this helps!
Navy, my reasonings for this is the Navy is Served with respect and you get to save others, it is a very dangerous job but its also very rewarding at the same time
This quote focuses on the idea that sometimes, no matter how hard people try, <em>they cannot achieve their goals or deepest desires.</em> They reach out further and further for one thing or someone and <em>never </em>get to it. Some never lose hope and "stretch out their arms farther", but that doesn't mean they'll get there. They have more optimism. These final words are just about Gatsby's struggle to achieve the American dream and his dream girl and the unfortunate events that follow his endeavors.
If you use my analysis, don't copy word for word ! :)
Vote brainliest if you want! :)
Aristotle's Poetics seeks to address the different kinds of poetry, the structure of a good poem, and the division of a poem into its component parts. He defines poetry as a 'medium of imitation' that seeks to represent or duplicate life through character, emotion, or action