Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the most appropriate action would be to send a copy of the informed consent via facsimile to the subject's wife. After she has had the opportunity to speak to the investigator, she can sign the informed consent and fax it back. Doing so would legally bind the consent form so that the consent is valid.
Information Revolution
Information Revolution was a shift from the Industrial revolution that held sway in the 20th century. It was a period of robust technological advancement that saw the invention of computers and their use as sources of information dissemination on a global scale.
This revolution saw sporadic advancements in the way information could be computed, stored, exchanged, and received on a large and global scale. Technological advancements have also seen the development of tools and equipment which has enabled the rapid access of information and information resources on a wide scale over the past 50 years.
foreign exchange risk: Alpha Ltd. has taken a loan for increasing its production and sales, but it has not conducted any research before making decision.
The European culture clashed with the Native American way of living largely due to barriers caused by the greed of the European mentality. All of the adventurers and fortune seekers from Europe left a trail of devastation among the indigenous inhabitants. Plague and small pox spread among the Natives, killing thousands. Tribes where forced off land that they had lived on for uncountable years. Those that did not willingly leave where murdered or worse, enslaved. All of this devastation happened because of differences in cultures and beliefs. The Europeans saw themselves as champions of the civilized world, and saw the natives as uneducated savages. The result was a near genocidal catastrophe.
I read a research paper.
I'd say the direct opposite is true. The founding fathers felt that the power of the United States government should rest in the hands of the people