Her voice was probably very flexible (keep in mind dancing), her voice was very pretty (keep in mind the twinkle) and her voice probably loses focus really fast (keep in mind wandered)
To organize the text and to make the text easier to read
We use subheadings to give readers a sense of what they are reading, not to make them think the work is legit, and not to introduce new information or point out important facts. We want readers to know what is coming, and what they are going to read so we don't waste their time
The effect of the rhetorical language that appears in this poster, "Every minute counts!" emphasizes the idea that viewers should be contributing to the war effort at all times."
In this poster there is a picture of a worker, standing with his right hand in his pocket and smoking a cigarette. There are ships in the background and a clock with a ten minutes section highlighted. This is a poster from World War II, issued in Great Britain. This poster underscores the idea that it's everyone's duty to contribute to the war effort at all times. Every minute is precious.
1.) m
2.) j
3.) q
4.) h
5.) f
6.) c
7.) i
8.) g
9.) k
10.) e
11.) p
12.) t
13.) a
14.) o
15.) s
16.) n
17.) l
18.) b
19.) r
20.) d