Resource partitioning
Resource partitioning refers to differences in resource use
between species regardless of the origin of the differences. Similar species
can coexist in the same ecological community without one pushing the others to
extinction through competition. Species compete for the same resources which
include nutrients and habitats which are the raw materials needed by organisms
to grow, live, and reproduce. For the question given above, the divergence in
lizards is an example of resource partitioning.
Due to genetic defects, a family history of hormone imbalances, or certain diseases.
According to the data, the blood is deficient in hormones which is due to a number of factors such as genetic defects, a family history of hormone imbalances, or certain diseases etc. The normal person has 10-20 units of hormones per ml of blood in their body, if the body has low in hormones the body does not perform its function properly that leads to certain diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease so we can say that genetic defects, hormone imbalances, or certain diseases are the causes of low in hormones.