Openness - People who like to learn new things and enjoy new experiences usually score high in openness. Openness includes traits like being insightful and imaginative and having a wide variety of interests.Conscientiousness - People that have a high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and prompt. Traits include being organized, methodic, and thorough.Extraversion - Extraverts get their energy from interacting with others, while introverts get their energy from within themselves. Extraversion includes the traits of energetic, talkative, and assertive.Agreeableness - These individuals are friendly, cooperative, and compassionate. People with low agreeableness may be more distant. Traits include being kind, affectionate, and sympathetic.Neuroticism - Neuroticism is also sometimes called Emotional Stability. This dimension relates to one’s emotional stability and degree of negative emotions. People that score high on neuroticism often experience emotional instability and negative emotions. Traits include being moody and tense.
Extroversion - Is a trait when someone is very curious, cautious, full of ideas, and unchanging. These people also enjoy their emotions, gifted, exploited and ideas that are different from everyone else's.
Agreeableness - Is a trait when someone is very competitive, nice, and compassionate. These people also enjoy being agreeable with other people while they might be observant of the way you are and act.
Conscientiousness - Is a trait when someone is very calm, methodical, and clean. These people also enjoy being disciplined, goal takers,and like to plan things out.
Emotional Stability (Neuroticism) - Is a trait when someone is very prone to being stressed, too confident, sensitive to little things, and shy/nervous in front of people or expressing feelings to other people.
Goals should always be included in a personal health plan for fitness. This is because, you will have things to look forward to. You will most likely try harder if you are modivated to reach a certain personal health goal.
Treat them like they're everyone else ,they're human we're all human in the end man ,do not exclude another human for living as it's to be Let life be and love everyone as if it was you