It will help you become a better person
Yes somebody cares about you
You don't know but might be me
some people are destined to not see
How different you are
just like I am
Some people are destined to see you
from inside the soul
And that someone is me
So dont say you're ugly
That is a lazy word is to short
If you like whatever your like
If you walk in of any way
If you love in a special way
Don't you think you deserve living?-
Yes you do because you're like me
Just another being living in this world
Whatever people says you are
you're not
Care about yourself
chris is with you
If somebody talks of you
Don't ever think leavin of this world
You got your life
So keep it
Don't let it go for anything
Is yours
keep the beautiful mirror of your life alive
in front of you
When they have heard the Banquo had died, Macbeth was angered because the murderers were not able to kill Fleance. The King saw the ghost of Banquo sitting on his throne. Macbeth was very surprised and tried to talk to the ghost which he was the only person who could see. Lady Macbeth tried to save her husband's face by saying telling the ghost to disregard Macbeth's behavior. She scolded him and told him to act normally.