Bearing in mind that an absolute value expression is in effect a
piece-wise function with two cases, thus
Answer: sorry about that Evaluate for y=8
Hope this help :D
The volume of the rectangle is 180 ft.
The statement is valid. To set up a Euler diagram, follow these steps
Step 1) Draw a large circle and label it circle A
Step 2) Inside this large circle, draw a smaller circle and label it circle B
Circle A will represent the set of all obtuse angles (any angles that are between 90 and 180 degrees). Circle B represents only one item: the angle value of 150 degrees. All of circle B is inside circle A because 150 degrees is between 90 and 180; therefore, 150 is obtuse. This is simply the definition of what "obtuse" means.
So if you threw a dart and it landed in circle B, then you know for sure it landed in circle A as well. This is effectively saying "if you get a 150 degree angle, then you know its obtuse"
This is a visual way to back up the conditional statements you used earlier and help add more evidence that the statement "A 150 degree angle is an obtuse angle" is a valid statement.
Yes, your answer is correct