They are designed to help people get along with one another, prevent accidents, make sure resources are used fairly. If the people do not obey the laws; our government cannot maintain order, protect our health, safety, and property.
Answer: "social proof" .
Answer: Interest group politics
Interest group is the community of the people who tend to educate ,impart knowledge and share the facts with the general public to influence them , their thoughts and opinion.The impact the public policy for development of in social ,economical, regional and other manner.
The political practice that involves interest groups tries to raise funds and the benefits from the public policy through impacting public and makers of the policy.
Infinite generativity
We all people use the language to express our thought, feeling, and emotions. We provide meaning to the complex and compound sentences. Language helps us to communicate with others and understand their feeling, emotions, etc.
Language can be called an innate biological, physical and verbal form of communication. So all human beings share their characteristics through organizational rules and infinite generativity. This is the ability to produce an infinite number of sentences by using a limited set of words and sentences.
the Authorization for Use of Military Force
The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) fWAS made a law in September of 2001, after a resolution was reached by the congress of the United States of America, approving the use of armed forces of the country, against the people behind the attack of September 11 attacks. This authority was given to the president after the 107th Congress Passed it and President George W. Bush signed it into law.