Answer: Repetitive-part learning
Explanations: Repetitive-part learning can be simply defined as a method used in learning new skills where an individual learns a part of the skill and practice, then a second part of the skill is learned, part one and two are combined together and practiced and then a third part is introduced which has to be learned and combined with the previous ones and practiced, the process will continue in this sequence untill all part are learned, combined and practised as a whole and mastered.
This allows individuals to learn the small details in each skills.
Dividing the golf swing skill acquisition into different components and having his students learn each component independently before combining all the components to practice a complete golf swing is a good illustration of Repetitive-part learning.
This is False. The federal government does not allow citizens to decide how public money is used.
When citizens have this power it is called Real budget democracy. Now the budget is decided by the Congress passing through many stages. First the Departments and agencies bring on proposals to the White House for the creation of the President's budget, then the House of representatives and Senate make their resolutions and a final budget is created that must be approved for the next fiscal year, that is voted, passed and signed as law.
His writings on religious tolerance and freedom of thought and expression helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers disputed the idea that kings actually ruled by divine right and questioned the union of church and state and the unequal rights of different social classes.