A Magma Chamber
Got it right on Edge 2020
There a lot of possible answers for this question. As shown in the image, we can infer one of the following characteristics that could be used to determine if an intrusive igneous rock has a mafic composition:
<span>- color/light color/dark color
- density/low density/high density
- mineral composition
- rich in Al, Si, or rich in Fe, Mg
- presence/absence of quartz/potassium feldspar/pyroxene/olivine</span>
This company makes 840 notebooks in 1 day. 840 x 11 = 9,240
Water cycle is effected by pollution, whether it is water pollution or air pollution. Air is polluted by Suspended Particulate Matter and by different harmful gases like Sulphur dioxide etc. These gases react with water vapours in the sky, making the water in the clouds acidic. This acid falls as rain water causing acid rains. This acid falls in ponds, on land, in fields, causing harm to us and to the crops as well as to the fishes or creatures in water. When the water evaporates from ponds, rivers and oceans to make water vapour, the the water in these water bodies becomes more acidic, and again when acid rains occur, this acid again mixes with the water of the water bodies, which already has acid, causing the water to become more concentrated.
Areas or regions with low sea level or at sea level are called lowlands.
Lowlands are formed by deposition of lava through water, wind, or soil erosion and it has been said that such plains are more fertile for farming as compared to other high sea-level plains.
At Lowlands, people get opportunities for employment and the economy of the nation can be boosted.
For example, Lowlands of Scotland.
Farmers growing paddy or rice are getting the main benefits of Lowlands.
Lowlands have a suitable environment for many agricultural products.
Farmers can develop dairy farms and mountain farms.