Citizens of Sparta and Athens would most likely be people living in a "City State" according to recent studies of the Greek mythology
An auto-da-fé or auto-de-fé was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition or the Mexican Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the carrying out by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed.
Industrialization is the process by which an economy is transformed primarily agricultural(used for farming or relating to farming: The world's supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast.)one to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.
It was kind of global. A 19% unemployment in Canada, and in Germany, Japan, and Italy, they started to like the ways of famous dictators in other countries, and in Germany's case, their own depending on who you were.
D. The reform party. This party believes in campaign finance reform, including strict limits on campaign contributions and the outlawing of political action committees.