Three Examples of the Checks and Balances System. First, the legislative branch can pass a law. The way the executive branch checks that is by either agreeing with it or vetoing it. Second, the judicial branch apprehends the laws.
Checks and Balances. The Constitution divided the Government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. ... Just like the phrase sounds, the point of checks and balances was to make sure no one branch would be able to control too much power, and it created a separation of powers.
Jumping spiders live in a variety of habitats. Tropical forests harbor the most species, but they are also found in temperate forests, scrub lands, deserts, intertidal zones, and mountainous regions.
Most importantly, religions provide the essential sources and scales of dignity and responsibility, shame and respect, restraint and regret, restitution and reconciliation that a human rights regime needs to survive and flourish in any culture. In the human rights mission, religion has played its part right from the start in two ways. First, freedom of worship (or non worship) is one of the fundamental human freedoms. ... Secondly, religion, with all that belongs to it, i.e. beliefs as well as institutions, also falls under the universal norms.
I'd say listen to her then go back to work.