What are the barriers in a relationship?
' Lack of trust can be one of the most common emotional barriers in relationships and this could develop due to past emotional wounds related to childhood, negative experiences in previous relationships, or fear of rejection or loss of the current relationship.
-I hope this is the answer you are looking for
The four functions of language: to define, to evaluate, to influence, to reflect. In language we always have a sender, a receiver and an information. The sender sends the information to the receiver in a specific context (a sorounding world) and the information is corelated with the world (it says something about it). The functions of language describes functions of theese elements. Language "defines" because it says something about the world and it shows a connection between the information and the world. Language influence, because every speech we give has its consequences for the receiver so here we have correlation between the information and the receiver. What's more language reflects because it shows the emotions and intentions of the sender (connection between sender and information). And last but not least we have the function "to evaluate". It shows how the information influences itself, how it is built, what kind of language we use and what stylistic values it has.
This seems like something you should do on your own
not a good thing to post cause people won't answer it fast
D, Each country in North America uses it’s own currency, they have their own rules, equal rights and rights and different ideas, not everyone is the same in life also, some people use Euros and some people use the U.S. dollar, some people use different things for money.
the correct answer is B. Brahman