- Glycine
- Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
- 3-phosphoglycerate
- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
- Glucose
- Sucrose
The glycine, among other amino acids, helps to improve chlorophyll production and promotes the process of photosynthesis.
<u>Calvin cycle</u>
During the carbon fixation phase, a CO² molecule combinate with a ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to form 6-carbonated molecules, which will divide into two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules.
During the reduction phase, NADPH donates its electrons to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate molecules, and turn them into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
During the regeneration phase, a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecule leaves the cycle and goes to the cytosol to form glucose. This step can be done when three CO² enter the cycle and produce six glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules. One of them leaves the cycle to form glucose, while the other five are recycled.
<u>Cytosol: </u>
Once in the cytosol, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules are used to form glucose and fructose. These two molecules are the monosaccharides that form the sucrose.
Once sucrose is formed, it is transported from the photosynthetic tissues to different parts of the plant by the phloem.
A tendency for the brain's left and right hemispheres to serve different functions is called lateralization. It <span>refers to how some neural functions, or cognitive processes tend to be more dominant in one hemisphere than the other. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.</span>
It is practical knowledge in the sense that we know why some parts of the world are inherently risky to live in. Even though volcanic eruptionis, earthquakes and tsunamis are difficult to predict, it makes sense to have building codes and emergency plans that take this into account.
It is science’s response to the beliefs that natural catastrophes (volcanism, earthquakes and tsunamis) are divine punishments for the evil ways of some individuals.
Even if you will never use or apply this knowledge, knowing about the theory of plate tectonics gives you a current scientific perspective on what we know about the natural world.
It is a good example of how scientific theories proceed by trying to fit several observations into a coherent explanation.
Learning about the observations that needed to be made and explained for the theory to win over scientists helps caution you against people who adopt belief systems without questioning the myths told to them, or those who try to profit from ignorance of how nature actually works.
When it is well taught, it should convince you that, like any scientific theory, plate tectonics is a “work in progress”. New discoveries continue to be made, and it takes creative and logical thinking, debate and a quest for more observations in order to determine which ones prove or challenge the current theory and which ones may lead to its refinement.
This shows the interaction between the earth and sun.
- There is a variation in the amount of heat that reaches the different latitudes as the interaction between the sun and earth which firms different angles of incidence on the surface.
- The rays of the sun are more concentrated in mid latitudes that is the tropics and are slanting towards the poles this due the tilt in axis of earth.
- This variation lads the warm air to rise and reach the poles and similar the cold polar air reaches the tropics and develops a cycle of convective cells. This leads to a latitudinal balance in temperatures.
1. when a earth worm eat it deposits nutrient by pooping
2. earth worm, feed grass, feed cow, human eat cow