The scientists have used the common historical and functional basis of living organisms to create the geological time period.
All the living things present on earth have gone through the evolutionary process. According to the researches, the oldest fossil found on the earth can be traced 3.5 to 3.7 billion years back, and life today on earth has been evolved from a common ancestor through natural selection or adaptions.
The geological time period shows all the changes in living organisms in different eras eons, eras, periods, epochs.
A cell membrane is made of two layers.
The cell membrane is composed by a phospholipid bilayer where the interior side is hydrophobic and non-polar, while the outside is hydrophilic and polar
Pores and proteins in the cell membrane allow passage through it.
The pores and proteins in the cell membrane have several functions such as, for example, cell signaling (proteins) and selective transport (pores)
If there wasn't a lot of organisms and energy in the productive part of the triangle, then there wouldn't be a lot of third level organisms. The energy piramid would be a lot smaller then what it is here, and maybe if the energy source was low then there might not be such a vast varity of animals in the ecosystem.
You're welcome friend <3
If two populations of birds stop interbreeding because of a difference in song patterns this would be described as behavioral isolation.