Lit a would need to get some sleep because she will need to be rested and refreshed for the second 24 hr. shift
While generally safe, getting too much fish oil can increase your risk of bleeding and might affect your immune response.
It's not clear whether fish oil is safe for people who are allergic to seafood.
You should take fish oil supplements under a doctor's supervision.
"<span>The digestive juices in your stomach break down the food into a thick liquid called chyme which then is passed into the small intestine."
</span>Chyme is the result of the partial chemical and mechanical digestion that occurs over the bolus in the stomach. It is a <span>semi-fluid mass of p</span><span>artially digested food, digestive enzymes, water, and HCl (so it has a very low pH). By stomach movements, the chyme is pushed against the </span>pyloric valve and passes in very small quantities to the duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine.
Answer: As the receptionist for Greenway Clinic, you should contact Alfredo Garza and ask him for his new address. You can contact him by using the <em>telephone number</em> that you have listed in your files. If he is not reachable by phone and has no forwarding address, the clinic will have to wait for Alfredo to come back for an appointment. If he does return, he will need to update all of his information so that his address will be on file.