What do you want to be when you grow up? People are asked this question all the time. When you think about your talents and inte
rest, what career do you see in your future? Explain five ways that you can learn more about your possible career choice before you start your college studies.
I rally dont know but a doctor is on the tp of my list
Well many times people ask me and i say a doctor because i have an intrest in helping others during pain and emotionally i got a sence of thinking through things to see how i i can solve a problem and and i have learnt alot about doing this thing but i really have other intrest but for now i say do what u gotta do and i have becomming a surgonist for now tho
It is true that they had the different types of rule as the Italian city-states have always been very self-suficient in a way (mostly politically not so much economically). This lead to a system or method called autonamy where each city-state more or less had the right for self-government. This also depended on the area of life we're referring to.
Answer: -Some (but not all) plant cells - mostly those in the middle of leaves - have chloroplasts - green structures which contain the pigment chlorophyll. This absorbs light energy which is then used in photosynthesis to make sugars.