Conflict diamonds are defined by the Kimberly process as rough diamonds use my rebels movements to finance wars against legitimate governments. As a result of this narrow definition, the Kimberly process is not empowered to address the board range of risks to human rights posed by the trade in diamonds, such as those which have been documented in Zimbabwe
1. 1960
4. 1969
1.the first televised presidential debate was in 1960
2.The shooting death of Lee Harvey Oswald was accidentally broadcast 1963
3. Daisy was a political ad from Lyndon Baines Johnson's political campaign in 1964
4. Neil Armstrong walks on the moon on July 21st 1969
Michael Stultz, M.A. Spielberg uses a black and white sepia film stock in Schindler's List to give verisimilitude to the film, to take the edge off the bloodshed, and to strike a contrast between awareness of the Holocaust and apathy. The film begins in color.
(Many strongly traditional Jews reject both Bible and Testament and choose Tanakh, an acronym for the three divisions of the sacred writings: Torah, the five books of Moses; Nebiim, the books of the prophets, and Ketubim, the other sacred writings.)
Answer: irk
Explanation: I was not really impressed by this game