A binary number is converted to hexadecimal number by making a group of 4 bits from the binary number given.Start making the group from Least Significant Bit (LSB) and start making group of 4 to Most Significant (MSB) or move in outward direction.If the there are less than 4 bits in last group then add corresponding zeroes to the front and find the corresponding hexadecimal number according to the 4 bits.For example:-
for this binary number 100111001011011.
100 <u>1110</u> <u>0101</u> <u>1011</u>
There is one bits less in the last group so add 1 zero(0) to it.
<u>0100</u> <u>1110</u> <u>0101</u> <u>1011</u>
4 E 5 B
100111001011011 = 4E5B
<u>0010</u> <u>1011</u> . <u>1010</u>
2 B A
For 1.
Positive correlation means if you plot a country's population and land size on a graph. There would be a linear regression line that's sloping upwards.
Since it's a scatterplot, there will be some that fall out of the line, but most of them should be on the line.
It's (A)
For 2.
An outlier is a datapoint that's far, FAR away from the others, so it's (B)
For 3. (A), it's a single line-of-best fit that runs through the middle of the cluster of data points.