The answer is Class A. The GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) will “sense” the difference in the
amount of electricity flowing into the circuit to that flowing out, even in
amounts of current as small as 4 or 5 milliamps. The GFCI reacts
quickly (less than one-tenth of a second) to trip or shut off the circuit.
Ithink that the answer is C)
Hard Disk Drive
Solid State Drive
And Random Access Memory (RAM)
select style_name, as brewery,count(beer_id) as Num
from beerdb.beers be
inner join beerdb.styles st
on be.style_id = st.style_id
join beerdb.breweries br on
be.brewery_id = br.brewery_id
group by style_name ,
having count(beer_id)>=10
order by style_name, num desc
Laser beams.
Recently, that user has began functioning part-time in such a retail outlet, as well as he discovering regarding his shop's learning tools. During checkout, his shop requires the code scanner to scan objects.
The barcode scanner uses laser beam technologies because the laser beam is rapidly running over the QR code or barcode back-and-forth, or executing the sequence. The sensors well into the system display the mirrored beam patterns that decrypts the barcode.
So, the following are the reason that describes the answer is correct according to the scenario.