<span>It is defined as the number that occurs most frequently in the set.</span>
protected; increase
Ozone is composed of trioxygen which is highly reactive gas compared to dioxygen. Ozone layer is present in stratosphere and troposphere and protect the humans from ultraviolet radiations but it may be toxic if inhaled. Ozone can be broken down into molecular oxygen by chlorine and bromine atoms.
A hole was discovered in ozone layer in 1982 and scientist believed that it could be dangerous for human health. The compounds involved in depletion of ozone are mainly Chlorofluorocarbons (CFS) and (HFCS). Then a global agreement was signed in 1987 which leads to prohibition of use of all chemicals that are involved in depletion of ozone layer. The problem of ozone depletion is solved by the agreement and ozone hole started to recover it from 2000.
But recent reports showed that the alternative chemicals used to protect the depletion of ozone layer began to trap the heat inside the earth like greenhouse effect. Now scientists are in search of chemical that can prevent both ozone depletion as well as global warming.
bc oxygen contributes to muscle performance on and off the field.
D. fossils will help you discover how old the rock is, fossils would not be included in the question if the answer does not relate to them
Los organismos eucariotas incluyen protozoos, algas, hongos, plantas y animales. ... Sobre todo, las células eucariotas se definen por la presencia de un núcleo rodeado por una membrana nuclear compleja. Además, las células eucariotas se caracterizan por la presencia de orgánulos unidos a la membrana en el citoplasma.