Many human and physical factors affect population distribution and population density across the world. Physical factors that affect population density include water supply, climate, relief (shape of the land), vegetation, soils and availability of natural resources and energy.
Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and the offspring is identical to the parent. An example of an organism that reproduces asexually is Archaea or bacteria. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and the offspring's genes are equally contributed by each parent. An example of organisms that reproduce sexually are some land mammals. The chromosomes of a parent and offspring in asexual reproduction are identical and there is no difference in the chromosomes.
This experiment proved that DNA replicated semiconservatively; half the original polynucleotide is conserved in each of the two copies
Semi-conservative mode of replication means that the two strands of DNA unwind from each other, and each of themacts as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary strand. As a result, two formed DNA moleculesc ontain one original strand and one new strand.
Meselson and Stahl experiment showed this model by labeling the DNA of bacteria across generations using isotopes of nitrogen ( patterns of DNA labeling showed the mode of replication).
The answer is B.
Water in the form of vapor enter the atmosphere. The vapor accumulates in the atmosphere to form clouds. Once the clouds are heavy enough, the water in the form of droplets fall towards land or as rain. It could also be in the form of other precipitation such as snow or hail. As the sun hits the waters in the land, it causes the water to evaporate and the cycle continues.