2-3 years after Bachelors( bachelors is 4 years)
To become a psychologist, you must have completed your four years of university education, which is Bachelors degree, which during this period, you get to know the fundamentals of psychology, the tools and gimmicks of psychology. after this, you then go for your masters in psychology, where you advance your understanding and practice of psychology.
So To become a psychologist, you must have concluded both your bachelors and masters education before you can be assign or employed or regards as a psychologist.
This would take 6-7 years to become a psychologist depending on your masters education.
certificate of deposit 1 year
Answer:Doing a Macro -level analysis
Explanation:Macro-level analysis focuses on political, social , ecomic and other factors which affect society and individuals at a larger scale which can't be discovered when society is observed or analysed at a micro level. As a result this analysis focuses on a much broader scale. Manuela is looking at a social issue analysing it by taking into consideration a broad societal scale than focusing on a local scale.
The statement means that the small nation is home to many diverse cultures, civilizations, and tribes who all call it home and grow up, co-existing amongst themselves in harmony.
The statement that<em> "Nepal is a common garden of many castes, cultures, and civilizations"</em> means that the country is like a garden that houses a variety of tribes and cultures without any specific tribe or caste being allowed to reside alone. The statement is a metaphor, comparing Nepal with a garden that is made up of mixed varieties of tribes and cultures.
Though small the country may be, it is home to many tribes, many different cultures living peacefully, co-existing, and growing up together. It is a peaceful ground for the numerous cultures to grow up and develop, at the same time co-existing amongst themselves. Without a single tribe, a single civilization, or a single culture dominating or living in it, the complex yet mixed nature is what makes this small country a great example of secularity.