We have 2 denominators that we need to get rid of. Whenever there are the denominators, all we have to do is multiply all whole equation with the denominators.
Our denominators are both 2 and x+1. Therefore, we multiply the whole equation by 2(x+1)
Then shorten the fractions.
Distribute in all.
We should get like this. Because the polynomial is 2-degree, I'd suggest you to move all terms to one place. Therefore, moving 2x+2 to another side and subtract.
We are almost there. All we have to do is, solving for x by factoring. (Although there are more than just factoring but factoring this polynomial is faster.)
Thus, the answer is x = 3, -2
- First of all, a 2 foot kangaroo is casting a 7 foot shadow.
- Next we do 7 divided by 2 which equals 3.5.
- Since we know the shadow is going to be 3.5x the object size we have to divide its shadow by 3.5
- 14 divided by 3.5 is 4 so the Eucalyptus tree is 4ft long
<u><em> Your answer=4ft </em></u>
Hope this helps!
(Look at image)
Step-by-step explanation:
(Also look at image)
The answer is positive 1/5. Here is a tip, when reading a graph read from left to right. If it is going up to the right it is positive. If it goes down going to the right it is negative. Also think rise/run. Count how many times it goes up(or down) then count how long the line goes.
I don’t know I just need points lol