disorder is a communication disorder that involves discontinuous flow and
timing of speech. It is mostly seen in children who are learning to speak. Physical
tension, negative reactions, and avoiding of speaking situations work together
with this disorder. Individuals with this disorder display repetition of words,
sound extensions and long pauses when speaking. For the question given above, a
12-year-old student who says "i-i-i-i want i-i-i-ice c-c-c-cream" is
exhibiting fluency disorder.</span>
Man wears gloves and has protective clothing
Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine.
In prophase 1:
Chromosomes become visible, crossing-over occurs, the nucleolus disappears, the meiotic spindle forms, and the nuclear envelope disappears.
In metaphase 1:
The pairs of chromosomes (bivalents) become arranged on the metaphase plate and are attached to the now fully formed meiotic spindle. The centrioles are at opposite poles of the cell.