B. Sternum
The sternum (or breastbone) is a flat bone in the thorax's anterior area. It has a 'T' shape and is located in the center of the chest. The sternum, which is part of the bony thoracic wall, protects the internal thoracic viscera, such as the heart, lungs, and oesophagus.
Here is a picture from the internet.
The term "weather" means the state of the atmosphere in a shorter period of time, while the term "climate" refers to how the atmosphere behaves in the long run.
When we talk about climate change, we are talking about long-term change.
"tTme" describes the way in which the atmosphere "behaves", which primarily means the effects that this "behavior" has on life. The biggest difference between climate and weather is that the term "weather" refers to extremely short-term changes in the atmosphere - so short that they are measured in minutes and months.
Regardless of how the steps are documented, the goal of scientific method is to gather data that will validate or invalidate a cause and effect relationship.
Due to newly formed land.
Surtsey provided ideal conditions for studying primary succession because due to volcanic eruption all the vegetation and living organisms are destroyed from the surface and the land has no vegetation. Primary succession only occurs when the land is colonized for the first time after the formation of land due to natural disaster such as volcanic eruption etc. So we can say that Surtsey provided the conditions for observing primary succession.