A control group is important to a controlled experiment because it is used in an experiment to establish its validity.
Bacteria generate toxins which can be classified as either exotoxins or endotoxins. Exotoxins are generated and actively secreted; endotoxins remain part of the bacteria. Usually, an endotoxin is part of the bacterial outer membrane, and it is not released until the bacterium is killed by the immune system.Most viral infections eventually result in the death of the host cell. The causes of death include cell lysis, alterations to the cell's surface membrane and various modes of programmed cell death. Some viruses cause no apparent changes to the infected cell.
Read It and Understand
There are over 200 different cell types in the human body. Each type of cells is specialised to carry out a particular function, either solely, but usually by forming a particular tissue. Different tissues then combine and form specific organs, where the organ is like a factory where every type of cell has its own job.