La Revolución Mexicana fue un conflicto armado que inició el 20 de noviembre de 1910, como consecuencia del descontento popular hacia la dictadura de Porfirio Díaz, y que derivaría en una guerra civil que transformaría radicalmente las estructuras políticas y sociales del país.
dame coronita plia
The events that led to the division of British India into India and Pakistan was a method the British had to secure how independence would take place. The British government had a system of political control of “divide and rule” and because of that, this strategy was perfect.
Muslims were 25% of British India’s population, therefore a religious minority. They were afraid of losing protection as the independence of India got closer.
With the approach of WWII, things got even worse, since the British took India into the war without consultation of the population or the legislative, this caused even more pressure for independence and the creation of a separate state.
The separation between India and Pakistan caused riots, mass casualties, a wave of migration - Muslims headed towards Pakistan and Hindus and Sikhs headed into India -, and a death toll of 2 million people.
A nerve net is any plexus of neurons lying in the periphery and so connected as to provide a diffuse conduction system, i.e., one in which conduction can take place in any direction and in which many alternative routes exist between any two points. They are entirely distinct and nowhere structurally continuous with any other fiber.
<span>The currently practiced ideology that has its roots in the French Revolution is socialism. Socialism came out of the French Revolution and the changes that occurred as a result of the Revolution.</span>