A major limitation in interpreting the University of Michigan survey of adults is that high-school dropouts are not included
The following are some of the limitations to interpretation of the University of Michigan survey of adults:
High-dropouts are not included.
Institutionalized patients and homeless people are not factored into the sample.
Craving has been identified as a key factor in psychological dependence of the adults sampled.
Lincoln's promise was to care for not only veterans, but also their families. Lincoln himself was a war veteran, making this promise especially significant to him. For us to currently keep this promise to our veterans and their families, we must implement programs that will integrate veterans back into society with well paying jobs, as well as offer services such as counseling.
The importance of cephalization is the development of a control center or brain. The brain is a concentration of nervous tissue that coordinates and controls sensory information and nervous activity. A larger brain allows for smarter and more complex animals.
Norms: It is defined as the implicit but understood rules of a culture or society for the behaviors or conduct that are considered expected and acceptable.
Types of norms:
1. Folkways or conventions.
2. Mores.
3. Taboos.
4. Laws.
Examples of norms:
1. Boys wear blue; girls wear pink.
2. Men should be stronger than women and do not show emotion.
3. Women should be nurturing and caring.
If I became the minister of government of Nepal,I would mention my responsibility as follows:
- As we can see corruption is the main reason for lack of development of Nepal,I would make the special law for corruption.
- I would develop the facilities in cities as well as most villages.
- Agriculture and industrial development play a very important role in development of country as we can advance our agricultural tools in order to get raw materials, use fast flowing rivers to generate electricity and use them for industrial purposes.
4. Brain drain is the extreme reason behind the lack of development so I would create employment opportunities, so they prefer to work in our own country.
5.I would do equality among all to maintain peace and unity.